Wisdom Gathered Along the Road


We’re leaving for our road trip in just over a week.  I’m getting butterflies in my stomach – excited and nervous.  As I mentioned in my post about the rewards and benefits of being road warriors, I’m in the process of finalizing our plans, rather late for me.  I’ve been so busy.  I’m also feeling a touch of anxiety, because I don’t know that I’ll be able to keep up my blogging schedule.  The road trip is all about family time and that’ll be my priority.

My original blog is Road Warrior Momma, which comes back to life every summer so my family and friends can follow us.  You are welcome to check that blog during June, but be warned that it is a daily recap, and may be a bit mundane for those of you not intimately familiar with our brood.  I’ll also be featuring highlights here, on The Latchkey Mom, probably twice a week – along with my usual posts (but not as often).  Continue reading Wisdom Gathered Along the Road

Kindness in Abundance


When I read this week’s writing prompt for Finish the Sentence Friday, I panicked a little.  “One of the best things anyone ever did for me was…”  Well that is tough to call, because I have too many acts of kindness to choose from.   Some examples from my notes –

  • My mother for letting me read whatever I wanted.
  • My husband for saying yes, when I asked him if I could take his four young children on a thirty day road trip, while he stayed home and worked.
  • The Manager at CPK who helped me out with Barrett this past February (although that blog topic has been beaten to death).
  • Anyone of the therapists who has worked with my son over the years.
  • My brother and sister in-law for babysitting our kids whenever we desperately needed help.
  • Melissa at Chick Lit Central who took a chance on me.
  • My besties Michele, Marice & Barb for an endless number of things over the decades.
  • The two different relatives, who on two separate and unrelated occasions, surprised me with checks in the mail.

You see where I’m going here?  Continue reading Kindness in Abundance

The Benefits and Rewards of Being a Road Warrior


Only fourteen days until we embark on our 5th summer road trip and my planning for it has fueled my wanderlust.  In the last few days I’ve been asked repeatedly one or both of the following:  “Are you going on another adventure this summer?”  Or, “Where are you headed?”

Then of course I get the typical head shakes, laughs and comments such as, “You’re crazy” and “I don’t know how you do it.”  Honestly, sometimes I don’t know how I (we) do it.  That first year was so scary, and now I can’t imagine not doing our trip.  I panic at the thought that one day we won’t.  I am so pleased when people get excited about our journey.  I tell the kids, “You’re so lucky to do this.”  Here’s what I love about being Road Warrior MommaContinue reading The Benefits and Rewards of Being a Road Warrior

Random May Post

It’s been a while since I’ve written a random post, but the chaos of the last couple of weeks is all the excuse I need.  It’s been very busy in our household, as I’m certain it must me in most of yours, with the end of school fast approaching.  I sometimes feel like I’m on a hamster wheel.  Please tell me I’m not alone.  I literally have so many random thoughts running through my head, none of which would produce a blog length post – and we’ve experienced some fun events of late that I’d like to share.  Ergo – random post.

The Latest on our CPK Odyssey

After the garden planting, Barrett’s Awesome Autism class was invited to visit one of our local CPK restaurants.  His class was given a behind-the-scenes tour of the facility and got to make their own pizzas for lunch.  Barrett had so much fun making his pizza that he just added whatever toppings they brought him.  I knew what was coming, because Bear only likes plain cheese pizza.  Sure enough, once cooked and served, Mom had the task of picking off all the mushrooms, black olives and pepperoni.  CPK’s generosity seems endless, because they also fed the mothers, the teachers and the bus driver.  Additionally, the class was presented with their own CPK chef uniform – each one embroidered with the student’s name on the chest.  How cool is that?  As if that weren’t enough, the boys were invited back to do it all again when school starts in the fall!  Wow.


Continue reading Random May Post