Category Archives: Reading

CLP: October Books

Upcoming Releases: October

October is my favorite month.  The back-to-school routine has worked itself out and the holiday madness still seems like it’s months away.  Don’t be fooled though – if new Christmas themed books are any indication, it’ll be here before we know it!   I hope you have a backlog in your to-read book pile, because the pickings for new chick lit releases in October are slim.  Methinks some publishers are a wee bit afraid of competing with a certain Miss Bridget Jones.

Read the rest of the article at Chick Lit Plus.


Jane Porter Visit



My first interaction with Jane Porter occurred during the summer of 2008.  I’d just finished FOUR of her books (Odd Mom Out, Mrs. Perfect, The Frog Prince, and Flirty With Forty) and was enamored with her storytelling.  Author stalker that I am, I checked out her website, where I discovered three things – they were making Flirty With Forty into a movie starring Heather Locklear;  Flirting was loosely based on her life;  and she had a blog (I love author blogs).

The first blog I read was also a contest, which I promptly entered.  Low and behold – I WON!  Yay me!  I received a gorgeous beach bag and a thick, hot pink beach towel…both of which I still own and use.  The beach bag was filled with candy, a Starbucks card and three beach books (not hers, either).  How generous is that?  Honestly, I’m unaware of any other authors who regularly give away so many serious prizes (and if you know of any….let me know, so I can stalk and win).   Continue reading Jane Porter Visit