Random May Post

It’s been a while since I’ve written a random post, but the chaos of the last couple of weeks is all the excuse I need.  It’s been very busy in our household, as I’m certain it must me in most of yours, with the end of school fast approaching.  I sometimes feel like I’m on a hamster wheel.  Please tell me I’m not alone.  I literally have so many random thoughts running through my head, none of which would produce a blog length post – and we’ve experienced some fun events of late that I’d like to share.  Ergo – random post.

The Latest on our CPK Odyssey

After the garden planting, Barrett’s Awesome Autism class was invited to visit one of our local CPK restaurants.  His class was given a behind-the-scenes tour of the facility and got to make their own pizzas for lunch.  Barrett had so much fun making his pizza that he just added whatever toppings they brought him.  I knew what was coming, because Bear only likes plain cheese pizza.  Sure enough, once cooked and served, Mom had the task of picking off all the mushrooms, black olives and pepperoni.  CPK’s generosity seems endless, because they also fed the mothers, the teachers and the bus driver.  Additionally, the class was presented with their own CPK chef uniform – each one embroidered with the student’s name on the chest.  How cool is that?  As if that weren’t enough, the boys were invited back to do it all again when school starts in the fall!  Wow.


Continue reading Random May Post

Dear Mom


Welcome to Finish the Sentence Friday.  I must admit that when I saw this week’s prompt, “Dear Mom…,” I felt some trepidation.  Last Friday was my first time joining the group.  I loved participating and getting to know some new bloggers and I didn’t want to miss out – but this prompt is an emotional one for me.  My mother passed away twenty-six years ago.  Last year I wrote about her on Mother’s Day.  I was so touched by all the Mother’s Day posts I read that weekend and felt compelled to join the crowd.  I was a new blogger at the time and writing about my mother was the first truly personal piece that I put out there.  I was proud of it.  Later that same day, I found out my younger brother died. Mother’s Day is now complicated and I’m taking the coward’s way out by reworking last year’s post into a letter.  For friends and family, it may sound a bit repetitive and I apologize – but I did add some new thoughts.  The letter format actually opened me up a bit.  For my new readers, I’m honored to share with you one of the loves of my life, the very fascinating and lovely Carol Geneva Smith.

Dear Mom,  Continue reading Dear Mom

I’m Running Out of Time


Six fears of mine:

1) Frogs.  They freak me out.

2) Something terrible happening to my kids or my husband.

3) Aging.  I know every year is a gift and I want many of them, but I’m still not looking forward to the physical process.

4) What the future holds for my son Barrett (who has autism), especially after I’m gone.

5) That I’m not a good mother.

6)  That I’m running out of time.

For this week’s Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop, we’re supposed to list our top six fears and then select one to write about.  Lucky for me, I’ve been successful at avoiding frogs.  I can’t write about something happening to my kids or husband, because I can’t go there.  Aging sucks, I’m fighting it, and that’s probably all you need to know.  Barrett’s future is a big question mark, and some of those questions relate to fear number six, as do my fears about mothering. Time is the gift that gives and takes away, dammit.  Continue reading I’m Running Out of Time