Tag Archives: Alicia Harris

Autism Angel: Alicia Harris


Alicia Harris was my son Barrett’s elementary school occupational therapist for three years. I’ll never forget the first time I met her, which happened to be in an IEP meeting – never an ideal setting, in my experienced personal opinion. She was young and full of energy and I loved how excited she was about her job. Then she told me a “Barrett story” and I wanted to crawl under the table.   She shared with us how unhappy Barrett was after she changed her shampoo (see interview below). Then she reluctantly relayed that he’d hit her after smelling her hair. Yes, you read that right – hit her. I’d never heard of him ever hitting someone before, and I was appalled. Alicia insisted it was a gentle hit, like a “love tap.” I’ll never know whether or not that was true, but Alicia’s genuine smile never faltered in the meeting (and she continued working with him for years). She actually laughed about it, assuring us that it all been worked out.   Now that, my friends, is dedication. Continue reading Autism Angel: Alicia Harris