Legacy Guest Post

Yesterday, my guest post at the Family Legacy Center went live on their website.  I’m re-posting the piece here, for those of you who don’t do Facebook – and to encourage interaction from my readers about what legacy means to you.  I was overwhelmed by all the positive support on Facebook yesterday!  Thank you.  I assume most people were reluctant to comment on the Family Legacy Center’s website – I hope you all feel comfortable to comment below.   I know the FLC would value your input.

Legacy Guest Post


You meet people in the strangest places.  Not in my wildest dreams (and I dream wild, believe me) would I have imagined that giving a eulogy would lead to a writing gig.  But, here I am!  I was contacted by the founder of the Family Legacy Center, who heard me deliver a eulogy and started following my blog.  After reading my posts for a while, she said that my blog could end up being a part of my legacy.  This got me to wondering about what determines our legacy.  My blog is all about my family and me, and will leave few questions about who I am, which might be good – or it might be bad.  It’s all in the interpretation.  My own experience has taught me that what you don’t know about a person can be just as important to legacy as what you do know.  Continue reading Legacy Guest Post