Category Archives: Autism

A New Book, Twins, Running, and Autism

First, I want to thank everyone for their sweet comments about last week’s post on my returning to work. I really appreciate all of you! As I promised, I’m not going to stop writing and I’m working on a few Autism Awareness posts. I was going to feature my funny story about my husband today, but something else has taken priority.

As announced last fall,51BkwZZEnFL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_[1] one of my essays was chosen to be a part of a new book about multiples. Multiples Illuminated will be published on May 1st, and you can order a copy here. I’m really excited about this book, because it’s going to help new parents of twins, triplets, and more! I contributed a funny story about Barrett and Hunter and the time we tried to put them in separate bedrooms.


To help promote the book, I’ve written an essay about the boys and their mutual running careers. The timing couldn’t be better – since Barrett just scored a personal record in the 800 M on Wednesday, with a little help from his friends. He was really tired this race, I think because he really pushed himself hard. He stopped after his first lap and I panicked. Once he started running again, it looked like he wasn’t going to make it around the track another lap – but he did it. One of his teammates jumped on the track to run with him, and a few others ran with him on the in-field. It was amazing. His time was 3:35, which was more than a minute faster than the week before.

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So how does a fifteen year old boy with autism, who has extremely limited communication skills, become a member of his middle school’s track team? I’m glad you asked, because that’s what my essay is all about over at Multiple Illuminated. I’d really appreciate it if you could pop on over there to read and comment.

Shamelessly, I am linking up with FTSF, because there is a line in my opening paragraph alluding to my once-upon-a-time future vision of my twins playing baseball together. Kind of works, no?

Todays’ FTSF prompt is: “If I could travel in time…” Hosts: Kristi of Fining Ninee and Michelle Grewe.

Click here to read the essay.  THANK YOU♥!

Autism Angel: Guest Post by Meredith Sherr Altschuler

I met Meredith through the magical world of the internet. We have a mutual friend, Melissa Amster, who connected us after one of my first Autism Posts for this blog. She has been a big supporter ever since. Meredith has a sweet daughter who’s the same age as Bear, so we’ve often shared war stories. When she saw my Call for Autism Angels, she took the opportunity to write me about the angels in her life. Her letter is beautiful –  and filled with love and gratitude. I love reading about the extraordinary people who make the world of special needs a better place.

Dear Allison,

When you called for submissions of “Autism Angels,” I’ll admit that this year I felt unusually unprepared. While we are by no means at the end of our autism journey, we are far from the beginning. In the beginning, we needed and received the kindness of SO many angels that I could have rambled on endlessly about them. Images of these folks helping us still flash through my mind. I have to catch my breath when I think back and really absorb the kindness we have received — when I think about all the unsung heroes who go about quietly “doing good” in this world.  Continue reading Autism Angel: Guest Post by Meredith Sherr Altschuler

More Barrett Tales

B2015041495173413 (3)I have some new Barrett stories to tell, but I must confess – they’re not the kind of stories that make a momma proud, because for the last week he’s be a royal pain in the you-know where. Honestly, his actions have baffled me and made me wonder just what goes on inside his head. He’s had an interesting week, that’s for sure. Mischievous and naughty. Continue reading More Barrett Tales

What Were You Doing When You Were in Middle School?

Autism Angels: The Peer Buddies


A few weeks ago, I shared a post about my son Barrett’s first track meet.  In that post, I explained that Barrett wouldn’t be able to be on the team, if it weren’t for the village of people who support him.  One of those villagers is a young man named Tommy Rhodes.  Tommy’s been going to practice with Bear and running with him in the meets, even though he’s not on the track team.  Tommy is an autism peer at Barrett’s Middle School.  He’s one of many.  Forty students volunteer in the Awesome Class, the school’s adopted name for Barrett’s class. Continue reading What Were You Doing When You Were in Middle School?