Tag Archives: Finish the Sentence Friday

More Barrett Tales

B2015041495173413 (3)I have some new Barrett stories to tell, but I must confess – they’re not the kind of stories that make a momma proud, because for the last week he’s be a royal pain in the you-know where. Honestly, his actions have baffled me and made me wonder just what goes on inside his head. He’s had an interesting week, that’s for sure. Mischievous and naughty. Continue reading More Barrett Tales

Being Fourteen, Then and Now

Allison 10th Grade 1984

For me, being fourteen was pretty cool.  In looking back for this post, I’m surprised by how much of being fourteen I remember. One thing is for certain, my fourteen is far different than the fourteen of today. In some ways it was so much simpler and kinder, but perhaps my nostalgia is sugarcoating my memories. There wasn’t the pressure there is today, and yet I had so much more responsibility than my children. I also had more freedom, yet they have the world literally at their fingertips. Continue reading Being Fourteen, Then and Now

Best Award Ever

2567_Trophy_Statue[1]Winning an award for something is pretty cool, especially when you’ve put in lots of hard work. Personally, I’ve always fantasized about winning an Oscar or a Golden Globe and have rehearsed my acceptance speech more times than I should publically admit.  Never mind that that I’ve not spent any time acting.  The reality is that I’ve won very few awards in my life. Compared to my children, I’m an underachiever. They get awards all the time, because that’s what we do now.  Every year, for both pre-school and elementary school, I attend end-of-year class parties where each student is given an award for something. I guarantee you, none of my children remembers any of those awards. And the metals and trophies that are handed out at the end of each season, regardless of performance, well they’re pretty forgettable, too. Am I proud of my kids?  Of course!  But if you take the suspense out of it, where’s fun? Continue reading Best Award Ever

First Track Meet!

Barrett’s First Track Meet!

Finally – we had our big day!  As I’ve been writing about for weeks, my son Barrett became a member of his school’s track team.  After the first two events were rained out, he finally ran in his first track meet.  And it was awesome!

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Little background.  At Barrett’s last IEP meeting, his PE coach asked me if there was anything I’d like him to help Barrett with.  I offhandedly suggested having him run, so he could win the 50 yard dash at the Special Olympics this year.  His teacher, Bobbi Jo, heard this and, as is par for the course for this particular Autism Angel, had an idea – to put Barrett on the track team.   Continue reading First Track Meet!