Barrett Tales


Barrett Tales

So I was telling my Aunt Ginny some Barrett stories from this week and we were both laughing.  Then another friend told me that her favorite posts on LKM are the ones about Barrett, so I had a mini-aha moment.  Perhaps I should periodically share some of the funny things that we experience living life with sweet Bear-Bear.  Plus, I haven’t quite finished the blog I’d planned for today.  So here are a couple Friday Funnies to start your weekend.


Last week Barrett had a mishap and scraped his shin at school.  It wasn’t a major injury, but it did cause the Bear Siren to go off.

Side Bar:  Bear, when frustrated, mad or hurt, makes an ear piercing sound that comes from deep down inside.  If you’re standing close to him when it goes off, it will hurt your ears.  Believe me!  Interestingly, his mouth is often closed when he sounds off!  I wish I knew how to upload video with audio, so you can experience it.  Now Barrett does talk, but the siren fills the void when he can’t form or find the words he needs.

Anyway, he set the siren off and the teacher has been trying to train Bear to say “I’m hurt,” instead of the siren.   Even though the injury was minor, she wanted to take him to the nurse, just to make sure he was comfortable going to the nurse if he ever really needs to.  So off to the nurse’s office they went.  Continue reading Barrett Tales

CLP: November Books

Upcoming Releases: November

To me November marks the end of the harvest season and the approach of winter.  In other words, it’s starting to get very chilly!  So, I’m grateful that there are some wonderful (and in some cases long) books coming out this month that I can curl up with and savor after a big Thanksgiving dinner.

Read the rest of the article at Chick Lit Plus.


The Trials and Tribulations of This Seventh Grade Mom


This year I have a child in seventh grade and so far, it’s been an excruciatingly frustrating experience.   I’ve debated as to whether or not I could write about it, because I realize that middle school is a sensitive time in a child’s life.  Yet, I’m absolutely certain he’ll never read this, because getting him to read anything on his own, other than , is akin to my climbing Mount Everest.  I’d also love some advice, or at the very least, some commiseration.

Hunter is a smart boy, but he does have some learning issues.  He has difficulty paying attention, especially to things that don’t interest him, and he struggles with reading comprehension, particularly with fiction.  He can tell you what happened in a story, but it’s the why and the what-ifs that trip him up.  Vocabulary is also probably another impediment.  Unfortunately reading comprehension affects all subjects.

That’s the main problem I suppose, but attitude and motivation are other issues we deal with and I’m sure they’re interrelated.  It’s hard for anyone to get motivated if there are many obstacles.  Yes?  For years Rich and I have emphasized that school is number one and this, for the time being, is his job.  His future depends on it.  Getting into college depends on it.  To succeed in life, you must work hard…blah, blah, blah.  Even I’m tired of hearing us preach.  So tired.  Continue reading The Trials and Tribulations of This Seventh Grade Mom