
In my twenties, the beginning of the “career girl” years, August slipped in ranking of exciting periods for me. While I was waiting tables in college and graduate school, in South Florida, August was the dead zone – especially on the patio of the popular restaurant and bar where I worked on the intercoastal of Fort Lauderdale. The dog days of summer took on another meaning for me. Not only was I hot and sweaty, but I was poor!

After I moved to Atlanta, my August financial prospects flourished, but man the seasonal conditions got worse. If at all possible – and it was – it was hotter and the humidity thicker, oppressively so. Also, I was seriously landlocked. Not an ocean breeze to be felt. August became just a month on the calendar. No big holidays, no one ever seemed to get married (always a big social occasion in your 20s) in August. No one came to Hotlanta for a visit. I would spend the month hiding from the sun and heat, daydreaming about football and sweaters.

I’m going to take the opportunity for a sidebar at this juncture. To be clear, August has never done anything horrible to me. I have no anniversaries of solemn occasions to bring me down during the eighth month of the year. It’s just hot and the school thing bugs me. Some of my favorite people ever were born in August! Deb Doty, Natalie😊, Mike & Dana, my father-in-law, my grandfather, and one of my oldest and bestest friends in the world, Michele V-B! I promise, I’m not hating on your month. Hell, both Audie and Camden were this close to being August babies! That may have tipped the scales to it being a fun month for me…

Alas, for the last fourteen years August has taken on a different significance for me. BACK-TO-SCHOOL. And not back-to-school – as in shopping and preparing for it – actual back to school! Last year my children started school on August 1st! Sacrilegious I say. The ridiculous date takes summer away before it’s time. Summer, ceremoniously over on August 1st. It’s just not right. I’m telling you, if they dare encroach on July – look out! Sadly, I no longer take the kids shopping for new clothes to signify back-to-school. What’s the point? I wait until the weather turns autumnal.

This August, well, I don’t know what to write about this one. The first day of school has been pushed backed to August 13th, to help the school system better “prepare.” I’m not even going to debate the prospects of that. I feel like it’s a game of chicken at this point. Are we going back, or not? Who’s going to blink first? I’ve lost sleep over it and am so conflicted. Yet, as I type this, we’re going back. I’m fairly certain my children will be back home, learning on-line, by Labor Day. We shall see.

This is my first Finish the Sentence Friday post in approximately four years, give or take a few weeks. I researched my blog and it was, ironically enough, August 18, 2016. I’m sad to report that I wrote about my love for the Olympics, our summer road trip and going to the movies. Ugh! So damn different from this summer. I hope and pray that next August I can write about those same topics once again. Interestingly, I was much more positive and enthusiastic about August back then. I wrote the following:

 As with every August, I’m reenergized and ready to get organized, take better care of myself (and the family) and sleep more. This is the first back to school season since I returned to working full time, so that’s been a bit of an adjustment. But we’re off to a good start.

Okay, I’m pleading pandemic fatigue for the whole tone of this post. Sorry! If you want to read a more optimistic post click here. LOL! I have linked up with FTSF, which is hosted by Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee, and this week’s prompt is “Once, in August…”

12 thoughts on “August”

  1. So, last night we got the news that our local school district is planning to re-open fully with social distance practices in place on September 1st. Not sure how I feel and honestly was hopeful for some more remote learning options. The only saving grace right now is that our governor gets the final say and has to sign off on these plans as they were sent to him for his approval. I am in NY and Governor Cuomo has said that he won’t use our kids as guinea pigs. So, I now am in further limbo to hear how he will respond to these plans and what is plan of action is overall for our state. Take about a fun way to begin the month of August. But I am going to try my best to stay calm until hear more from the governor. But was so happy to see you back here on your blog and have missed reading your updates here. Hugs and hoping August won’t be nearly as bad as we are imagining it to be. <3

    1. Janine! I’m so happy to hear from you! Thank you for your sweet works. Can I just say, I love your govenor. Love him. I truly believe he will do the right thing for you. But, the limbo sucks, especally with you being back at work. I’m sorry!

      1. Allie, I love my governor, too. He is honestly just awesome and glad it isn’t just me who thinks so 🙂 And I agree I have faith in him. So, I am trying my best to keep all in perspective as much as I can’t help but worry about what is to still to come. But again just happy to chat a bit with you here <3

  2. It is unusually hard to be positive this August. Does that about 14 years of back to school mean you have a fourteen-year-old? Because if so, I am with you there too. I was actually relieved Maryland declared the first semester is virtual school, even though I hated virtual school, just so I didn’t have to make a decision.

    1. I have 2 nineteen-year-olds (one special needs and still in the school system), a 15 year-olds and 13. Where in Maryland? We lived in Howard County for a few years.

      1. Oh you have four teenagers. I have 4 kids, but only two are teens. We are up in the northeast area of Maryland, northeast of Baltimore in a small city.

  3. It’s been FOUR YEARS since you did FTSF??? Woah. That’s hard to believe, but also not, as the time has flown in a way that blows my mind. Also, starting school in August is so wrong, I agree. In Virginia, we started after Labor Day (as it should be, as far as I’m concerned). Here, Tucker’s going to middle school (in sixth grade – also wrong as far as my opinion goes as it should be 7th). He was supposed to start Aug 17. They’ve moved it back a week to Aug 24 but omg. The number of cases are more now than when they closed schools. How are we supposed to do this, anyway!!????
    The “whose going to blink first” thing is something I deeply feel. I’m not sure how much Colorado’s gov listens to CDC vs. the idiots. Gah. Not an easy time for any of us (except the stupid – they like to be stupid and loud about it).

    OH OH OH I LOVE that you linked up and let’s chat on the phone soon please? It’s time to catch up!!! xoxoxo

    1. The middle school segregation seems to depend on the region. Here and in Florida, middle school was 6-8th, but on Cape Cod it was 4th & 5th – and then 7-9 was junior high.

      A chat would be awesome! Are you working at home? I’m in the office 45-50 hours a week, ugh! so we may have to do a weekend call.

  4. In NJ, school ALWAYS started before Labor Day. Oddly, I’m even more north now and we start August 30th or so. Nonsense!
    Still no word about how it will look here. Not sure I want to send the kids back at all, to be honest. Lots of risk and fear. We’ll see.

  5. Well, 1st of all, August 1st? That is, in an of itself, criminal, so big hugs to you and your family for bearing up under the crime against humanity and school children.
    And, 2nd – “pandemic fatigue.” What a perfect description. I’m keeping that one in my “often used” vocabulary pool.
    All the best, Allie. Take good care…xoxox

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