All posts by latchkeymom

Days of December

I’m back…sort of.  In my last Latchkey Mom post, A Thankful Status Update,  I proclaimed that I would be spending more time enjoying the holidays than writing about them.  I’ve been trying to do that and a few times, I’ve even succeeded.  I’ve also spent a fair amount of time stressing about how much I still need to get done.  Despite all my plans, I’m behind.  Alas, I will share the events of the last few weeks with pictures.


For the second year in a row, we bought our tree the weekend of Thanksgiving.  If you recall, last year’s tree was HUGE!  So, I was very excited to see what my husband was going to bring home for us this year.  Imagine my surprise when I saw this tree – the smallest we’ve had in years.  I kept laughing and asking him if this was a joke.  “Where’s the real tree?”  He insisted that this was it.  I didn’t believe him.  I think I may have lost a few brownie points with my in-laws, who kept commenting about what a beautiful tree it was.  Problem was, we have boxes of ornaments and lights that we’ve purchased to cover our gigantic trees from the last few years.  We compromised… Continue reading Days of December

A Thankful Status Update

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 “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.”

Hey there!  How are you?  Sorry I’ve been MIA the last few weeks, but it has been rather hectic in Latchkey Mom land.  Since my last post, just before our long weekend in Florida to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary, it’s been non-stop.  There have had dance recitals, out-of town guests, school obligations and some other pesky personal things to deal with (some of which I’ll elaborate on at a later date) and of course a Thanksgiving dinner to cook. Continue reading A Thankful Status Update

Nuggets of Wisdom from an Unconventional Dad

dadboat I was blessed with an unconventional father, although I must admit the blessing sometimes felt like a curse. He was a nice guy and people loved him because he was always fun to be around. But when I was younger, I longed for more of a Ward Cleaver-type father. My dad owned a restaurant, worked nights, smoked, gambled and drank too much. Life was one big party and he always made things interesting. I certainly learned a lot from him about what not to do. He wasn’t big on doling out advice (mostly because he knew I’d probably do the opposite of what he suggested), but I did gather several useful nuggets along the way. Continue reading Nuggets of Wisdom from an Unconventional Dad