Category Archives: Everything Else

Grateful In November


“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder.

For most of my life, I wasn’t really a fan of November.  Of course I love Thanksgiving, but I dreaded the shorter days and cooler temperatures and the lull that set in after Halloween.   Then I got married in November and my boys were born on December 2nd, so the month evolveded into a time of anticipation.  This has only been amplified over the years, with four kids getting excited about Christmas.   November is now busy, busy,  busy.  At times it seems to be all about preparation, but still, there’s much to be thankful for!

“Love today, for these are the good old days.” – Anonymous.  Continue reading Grateful In November

Guest Post: Style Daily with Kathy Bochonko

My friend Kathy has started her own style blog and I’m very excited for her!  To help spread the word, I asked her to guest post about her new venture.  She’s also giving some basic advice on what you can do to start finding you’re own personal style.  Kathy always looks great and I know many women who have benefitted from her advice.   So read all about Kathy and please be sure to like her Style Daily page on Facebook.

Without further preamble, here’s Kathy.

Style Daily can help you find your everyday style.

We all have special days, but most of life is for Style Daily.


Have you ever watched the TV show “What Not to Wear?” on TLC and thought, I wish someone would nominate me?  moto grunge (2)Or perhaps that would be your worst nightmare!  You still want the help, but just not in such a public forum.  Stacy London, one of the co-hosts of WNTW, wrote a great book, the Truth about Style.  In it she writes,   “Our clothes, like it or not, give other people insight into who we are.  To take control of the message, you have to know yourself, and dress accordingly.  (Style is the quickest shorthand to who you are.)”   But what is style?  And how do you figure out yours?

Let me back up and tell you who I am and what I do.  My name is Kathy Bochonko and my passion is helping people master their personal style by building a wardrobe that truly represents who they are as a person. I do personal image/wardrobe consultations with the goal of helping people unlock their own unique style. I have spent three decades in the fashion industry and have developed a keen sense for what works for specific individuals in regards to both body type and personal style. I can help folks adapt trends to their comfort level and lifestyle. I offer a variety of personal services such as closet overhaul and wardrobe assessment. I can create a Pinterest board of outfit ideas with your image in mind.  I help people feel confident by giving them the knowledge of what works for them and what doesn’t.  I don’t tell them what to wear.  I listen to what makes them feel good and help them figure out what looks good.  So here are some of my best tips for managing your wardrobe and beginning to understand your own unique style.  More will follow, so stay tuned.  Continue reading Guest Post: Style Daily with Kathy Bochonko

Wednesday Lunch With Jackie

Wednesday Lunch with Jackie

Confession time.  I’m not big on cooking.  I can follow a recipe and I have hosted (and cooked for) a number of holidays and successful dinner parties, but I don’t consider it fun.  I’m not sure why, because as a child, I would gleefully whip up multi-course dinners for my family – I’m not kidding.  I grew up in a restaurant and couldn’t wait to go in on the weekends and help the prep cooks.  During the high school and college years, I was more obsessed with calories than food, so there wasn’t much cooking.   Post college, I was broke, which meant pasta, pasta and more pasta.  When I met “R” (who informed me that he does not wish to be named in the blog – oops) and we moved in together, we both were very busy with work and ate out a lot.  After the twins arrived, it was all I could do to get them fed.   Then there were my vegetarian years, when most of the meat preparation fell to “R”.  I can rock salads and vegetables, though!

Fast forward to present day and I have a house filled with six very different appetites and I find myself more of a short-order cook or stuck with the simple boring meals for which one menu fits all.  Taco night, spaghetti and meatballs, roasted chicken, repeat.  There is nothing worse than breaking out a new recipe, doing the time in the kitchen, and having your “patrons” turn their noses up, before they even take the first bite!  As a result, I don’t usually get creative.

Lucky for me, I have many friends who love to cook and are amazing at it.  That’s when momma gets to eat like a queen.  My friend Jackie cooks food that can rival any upscale restaurant that I’ve been to, and she does it which such casual ease, it fascinates me.  I’m easily ruffled in the kitchen and I hate when people watch!  Not Jackie.  It all comes naturally.

I love everything Jackie makes, but my mouth waters in anticipation of her salads, because she makes all her own dressings.  In an attempt to get the recipe for her secret dressing, I suggested we have lunch and I’d do a blog post of her making the special Jackie dressing.  Lucky for you, she was game.   My attempt at culinary espionage was thwarted when she decided to do her Caesar salad instead.   Damn.  That said, her homemade Caesar dressing is phenomenal and now I know how to make it!


Meet beautiful Jackie:



These are the ingredients you need: Continue reading Wednesday Lunch With Jackie

The Good Wife is Now The Great Wife!

The Great Wife

The Good Wife

I am so enraptured with the TV show, The Good Wife, that I impatiently await each week’s new episode.  In fact, for the first time since I figured out how to work my DVR, I actually watch a show LIVE.  Can you believe that?  Live.  I also start watching fifteen minutes into the program, so I can queue up time and be able to speed through the commercials.  The show is so intense that I can’t handle waiting through commercials for the next scene.

Last Sundays’ episode was like the greatest tennis game ever, with each legal team lobbing “balls” back and forth, and I swear my neck was turning as if I was really watching a match.  All this, after the explosive scene between Will and Alicia!  OMG – no wonder their affair was mostly shown in teasing snippet flashbacks, because there’s no way we could have handled these two in the bedroom.

Let’s start at the beginning of the episode, appropriately name “Hitting the Fan,” when Diane told Will about Alicia’s plan to leave Lockhart Gardner with Cary and take some big clients with her.  Poor Will, the shock and disbelief he displayed made him look so vulnerable.  Will, the man who’s screwed countless people over, got a little taste of his own medicine from the woman he loves (and we all know he does, even if he doesn’t realize it).  I didn’t like it.  Not one bit.  Continue reading The Good Wife is Now The Great Wife!