I have a new Article up at Chick Lit Plus today. You can preview it below, and then click over to CLP to read the rest. Be sure to come back here and let me know about your favorites. Or you can post your comment on CLP. I’m seriously curious! (And I reply to all comments, regardless of where you make it.)
Also, only two comments so far on September Stuff, and I have giveaways! Post a comment on that blog for your chance to win a signed copy of The Good Wife by Jane Porter and a Starbucks gift card. Winner will be picked on Friday.

Returning Fall Favorites 2013
At the beginning of every new television season, there’s always plenty of buzz and excitement for the new shows, and sometimes we forget to pay tribute to our old faithfuls. In my opinion, we live in the second golden age of television, because there are just so many good shows. After a long summer hiatus, we often forget what our friends were up to when we last saw them. Don’t fret, I’ve done the homework on a handful of favorites.
Blue Bloods – September 26th. Only people who like to stay home on Friday nights love this show, which I do – I’ll own it! Plus I love Donnie Wahlberg. When we left the Ryans last year, they were still reeling from the murder of Jamie’s partner. Jamie’s new partner is a rookie fresh out of the academy, and a woman. Big brother Danny finally has a new partner, also a woman, so the Ryan brothers are both challenged by their new work environments. They’re also none too pleased with their sister Erin, who’s had to let a cop killer go due to Danny’s lack of evidence. Daddy Frank (the ageless Tom Selleck) has problems of his own, dealing with the aftermath of the events at the Bitterman Projects.
Castle – September 23rd. Last season Beckett looked to be heading to Washington DC for a big new job, when Castle surprisingly popped the question! Everyone thought that these two getting together would be the kiss of death, ala Moonlighting, but they were wrong. However, marriage is a whole other ballgame. Will she say yes? Will she stay? Will she go? The season opens months after the proposal, so we should have our answers.
Glee – September 26th. Sadly, this is probably the season’s most anticipated return, primarily due to curiosity about how the show handles the loss of Finn. Continue…