Category Archives: Personal


Thirteen, a teenager. No longer a little boy, the toys are all but gone. You no longer call me “mommy,” I am no longer to call you Cammy. Holding hands is a thing of the past. You have a whole different set of “don’t” rules for your dad, who’s taking the terms of your growing up much harder than me.

You still have a ways to go, though! But that’s a whole other post. Since it’s your birthday, I will keep it light and sweet.

At thirteen, you still have an interest in Pokémon, which I don’t quite understand it. Fortunately, you have given up trying to make me understand. You have become quite the reader, which thrills me beyond words! Your favorite genre is Fantasy, and you’re more than halfway to your goal of 25 books this summer.

Hello There

IMG_20181015_164255_915I am such a liar! When I last posted (September!!), I believe I pledged to be more present here. Obviously, that didn’t happen. I should have known better. The fourth quarter of the year is always fast and furious: birthdays (me, Bear, Hunter), wedding anniversary(#19!) Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Football (aside from watching , we took Hunter to a Patriots home game for his 18th), cross country season, and many, many visits from family and friends. I think our guestroom was empty one weekend in November and December.

I really have not a damn thing to complain about. Busy with good stuff. Continue reading Hello There

A Family Update

IMG_20170330_171533528Hi friends? Remember me? I used to blog here quite regularly, but lately…not so much. I miss this place and I miss you. I’ve been very busy and feeling the need to write something that wasn’t business related (and before I forget the basic rules of grammar). Just kidding, it’s like riding a bicycle, right? I hope so.

I thought the best way to dive back in was with a family update. There’s been a lot happening in our Smith-ville. Continue reading A Family Update

Thoughts On Forty-Seven


With the kids on my annual birthday hike up Sawnee Mountain (on the day following the actual day!).

Today is my birthday. I’m forty seven, a number that really is hard to fathom. I guess it’s just a number. Still, it’s a number that sounds old – although I’m happy to report that on this particular day I don’t feel old. I really don’t. I’m just grateful to be here. To be healthy. To love and be loved. I live a life that is embarrassingly abundant with blessings (a term I really don’t care for – but in this instance, it’s appropriate). Today all I feel is peace and contentment. I’m extremely grateful. Continue reading Thoughts On Forty-Seven