Category Archives: Gratitude

September Stuff

This is my first original, non-book review-related post that I’ve written since May.  It’s going to be a hodge podge of different stuff.  Most of you know about my brother, and I thank you for your kind words and patience.  For those of you who don’t know what I’m referring to, you can read the original post here.  Honestly, I’ve been a bit lost and needed time with my family and time by myself.  I’ve sat down and written a few blogs, but I just couldn’t hit “Publish.”  I’ve also been preoccupied and sidetracked by a number of things:  back-to-school chaos, the creation and management of our new extracurricular activities schedule (ugh!), a big (and honestly, stalled) organization project, Audrey’s birthday, various writing commitments for My Forsyth, Chick Lit Plus, & Chick Lit Central, IEP drama (lots), as well as reading and listening to books.  I’m not complaining about the books, since they’ve always been my escape (and I’ve been indulging quite a bit).

I’ve been inspired by a number of things that I felt would be perfect blogs, but I also felt a bit guilty about indulging in my desire to write, which is part of the grief process – or so I’m told.  I don’t know why I’ve decided that this is the time, but I think I’m ready.  In gathering all the materials, pictures and links that I’ve gathered over the last few months, I concluded that they’d all make for a great combination “Things To Be Excited About” & Things I’m Grateful For” post.  So without further ado…

I’m Grateful For: Continue reading September Stuff

Happy Birthday Mom!


Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother-in-law.  Evelyn’s made me feel like a part of her family, since the very first day we met.  She raised an extraordinary man, who I’m lucky to call my husband.  We are different women, from different generations, but she’s never been one on those mother-in-laws, who insist that their way is the right way.  She doesn’t interfere – even when I know she must want too!   Her watch-from-the-sidelines approach, gave me the confidence to find my own way as a mom.  My own mother is deceased, so the gracious manner in which she’s loved me as her daughter, has meant the world to me.  Evelyn gives me birthday cards that usually make me cry.  She’s the hardest worker I’ve ever met and is meticulous in everything she does.  Her thirst for knowledge inspires me.  At 67, she’s just a thesis short of earning her Doctorate.  Come on Dr. Smith!  She sets an extraordinary example for her grandchildren. She’s also the best cook ever and can solve any household dilemma there is.  Seriously, she could give Martha Stewart a run for her money.  The care and love she showers on us is appreciated more than words can express, and I’m very grateful for the support she’s always given me as a wife, mother and writer.

I love you mom!

I’m Grateful For –

I am very grateful for a number of things this week, so without further ado:


♦  My wonderful family and friends who’ve rallied and supported the relaunch of The Latchkey Mom and therefore, my dreams!  Thank you for all the hits, likes, comments and subscriptions.  I am so lucky to have you all!

♦  The crazy, stormy, windy planet of Neptune, as portrayed by my daughter in her school play, this week.:


 AudNeptune1 AudNeptune2

Continue reading I’m Grateful For –