Category Archives: Personal

Who’s Your Hero?


“Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth.” – Will Rogers

“We are all the hero of our own story.” – Mary McCarthy, author.


Who is your hero?  It sounds like a simple question, but for me it’s not.   The dictionary defines a hero as, “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities.”  I find the definition, although accurate, hard l to live up to.   I think we can all agree that our military is full of heroes, but we also have personal heroes.  What makes someone a hero to each of us is subjective and a one-size-fits-all definition doesn’t apply.  Over the years I’ve considered many people I’ve admired to be my hero, but they never seem to maintain their elite status in my eyes (like the Rogers quote above).  My own values and experiences have changed the qualities I consider necessary to have such a label.   For instance, as a child my two heroes were Chrissy Everett and Farrah Fawcett.  Chris I can explain (until years later when a family member had a rude experience with the tennis player), Farrah not so much.  Today most of my heroes usually work in the classroom or in autism centers.  I also experience a bit of hero worship towards some of my favorite authors.   Continue reading Who’s Your Hero?

Let’s Talk About Holiday Cards – Shall We?


1)       Christmas cards or Holiday cards?  Does it matter? For a long time, I insisted that my cards express Merry Christmas, because that’s what I was celebrating.  As I got older and realized it wasn’t all about me, I started to embrace more all-inclusive cards and went with the “Happy Holidays” theme.  But I live in the south and the Christmas dis was mentioned a few times, so I went back Merry Christmas.  Then my world got bigger and I started receiving holiday cards from my Jewish friends, not Hanukah cards.  So why was I sending them Christmas cards?  I’m not certain if I ever offended anyone, but now I order two kinds of cards.  A set of Christmas cards and a set of holiday cards.  Overkill?


Our 2001 Card, with a picture inserted.
XmasCardPhoto2001 Continue reading Let’s Talk About Holiday Cards – Shall We?

It’s Official, I’m the mother of TEENAGERS!


Barrett & Hunter,

So clichéd, but so true.  How did this happen?  Where did the time go?  You’ve heard it all before, but it seems like only yesterday that we brought you both home from the hosptital.  After your surprising and frightening early arrivals, followed by two months in the NICU, it took me a while to feel like a mom.  I loved you both so much, but I was scared to death.  The circumstance under which we all had to live those first six months certainly didn’t help, it was trial by fire!  Honestly, the first year was such a blur that I don’t remember much, which makes me sad.  And it’s been a roller-coaster ever since.  I’ve messed up, but I’ve also learned so much.  I have so, so, so much to express to you both, but lucky for you, your birthdays fall during such a chaotic time that everyone will be spared my ramblings.  Just please know that I love you both more than I could ever have imagined was possible to love and I’m so damn proud to be your mother.

Thirteen – wow!


Mommy (or perhaps I’m mom now that you’re 13:( )

Grateful In November


“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder.

For most of my life, I wasn’t really a fan of November.  Of course I love Thanksgiving, but I dreaded the shorter days and cooler temperatures and the lull that set in after Halloween.   Then I got married in November and my boys were born on December 2nd, so the month evolveded into a time of anticipation.  This has only been amplified over the years, with four kids getting excited about Christmas.   November is now busy, busy,  busy.  At times it seems to be all about preparation, but still, there’s much to be thankful for!

“Love today, for these are the good old days.” – Anonymous.  Continue reading Grateful In November