Category Archives: Personal

Class Assignment: What is home for you?

This fall I’ve been taking a writing class and I LOVE it.  It’s kept me busy, but a good busy.   With this class, my other writing commitments to My Forsyth Magazine and Chick Lit Plus blog along with taking care of my family, I’ve found it difficult to find the time to write all the blogs I want to for the Latchkey Mom!  I want to keep posting things other than book reviews, so I thought it might be cool to share some of my class writing assignments.  Some of the writing exercises are pretty interesting and I love the book we use for practice.  I have flagged and highlighted the heck out of it. 035 Most of the exercises are ten minute drills to get the brain working, and they’re supposed to be raw:  just whatever comes to mind on a given topic – “Ten minutes, go.”  I’ve been surprised how easy it comes, when I’m not over thinking it.  I believe many of my practice writings will make excellent blog topics, so I’m going to cheat and periodically post some.  This first one is about what home means to me.  I hope you enjoy.

What is home for you?

People have said, “Home is what defines us.”  If that’s the case, I think my definition is very long and complicated.  In the literal sense, I think of home as where I live now – the four walls, which I decorated with love that encompasses the people who I love most in this world.  Home should evoke a peace, exhale a breath.  There should be familiar smells, laughter and lots of comfortable places to rest.  It should be the place you run to when you’re happy and when you’re sad.  You should miss it when you’re gone.  For me, my home is all of this and more.  It is a place where I can just be me.



Home also makes me think of where I was born Continue reading Class Assignment: What is home for you?

September Stuff

This is my first original, non-book review-related post that I’ve written since May.  It’s going to be a hodge podge of different stuff.  Most of you know about my brother, and I thank you for your kind words and patience.  For those of you who don’t know what I’m referring to, you can read the original post here.  Honestly, I’ve been a bit lost and needed time with my family and time by myself.  I’ve sat down and written a few blogs, but I just couldn’t hit “Publish.”  I’ve also been preoccupied and sidetracked by a number of things:  back-to-school chaos, the creation and management of our new extracurricular activities schedule (ugh!), a big (and honestly, stalled) organization project, Audrey’s birthday, various writing commitments for My Forsyth, Chick Lit Plus, & Chick Lit Central, IEP drama (lots), as well as reading and listening to books.  I’m not complaining about the books, since they’ve always been my escape (and I’ve been indulging quite a bit).

I’ve been inspired by a number of things that I felt would be perfect blogs, but I also felt a bit guilty about indulging in my desire to write, which is part of the grief process – or so I’m told.  I don’t know why I’ve decided that this is the time, but I think I’m ready.  In gathering all the materials, pictures and links that I’ve gathered over the last few months, I concluded that they’d all make for a great combination “Things To Be Excited About” & Things I’m Grateful For” post.  So without further ado…

I’m Grateful For: Continue reading September Stuff

Checking In

I’m sorry I haven’t updated anything or responded to comments.  Just hours after I posted my Mother’s Day blog, I received the news that my little brother died unexpectedly, and my life became tragically chaotic.

I just want to thank everyone for all the love, kindness and support that you’ve offered me over the last six weeks.  I apologize for going off the grid, but I’m just heart broken.  Rich suggested that I may want to “check-in,” so that’s what I’m doing.   Just a few weeks after the loss of Edmund, our family also lost my Aunt Mimi.  We’ve been pinballing from state to state – not the summer I’d planned.  I cancelled the first half of our road trip, to spend time with family in Michigan.  I’m planning to head out west for part two of our family road trip, meeting up with my cousins.  Some of you have been asking about the Road Warrior trip blog…I’m going to try, but I may not be updating every day, but I’m hoping to check in – trying to get back to “normal” for the kids.  Our travel adventures, thus far, haven’t been the stuff of funny reading.

Please know, I’m very grateful for all my friends and family.  Truly.  I promise I WILL return all your phone calls and e-mails, I just need a little more time.  Thank you so much for the cards, flowers, gifts and memories you’ve shared with me.  I will always cherish them.

On a professional note, I’ll soon have news to share and I have a number of book reviews that have been posted.  I’ve been hesitant with links and updates on my blogs well, because it just doesn’t feel appropriate and my heart hasn’t been in it.  I’m not sure when that will happen, but I know I’ll be back.  If I’ve learned anything, it’s that life is too short.

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Kelly took me, Hunter & Aud to the Red Sox game at Comerica Park Friday night.  Detroit fans rock, they were so gracious.  Uncle Eggie brought home the win for us! – thank goodness.  Perhaps we should have been at the other three games?  Brother, please shine on the Bruins!

Remembering Mom

Happy Mother’s Day, my friends!  I love this day.  It’s become my favorite holiday.  One, because I am a mom.  FavoritePixofMomTwo, because it requires no planning or execution from me.  I just sit back and received the love, praise and spoils from my babies, while Dad does the heavy lifting.  But for many years, fourteen to be exact, Mother’s Day was tough.  It was lonely.  I lost my mother when I was eighteen and was the only one of my friends in that position.  I’d be invited to celebrate with other families, but I just wasn’t comfortable.  I thought that being alone was sort of a penance, because when she died I was just getting over the teenage years and I wasn’t always very kind.   Those last few years were tough on our relationship.  She was sick and I was incredibly selfish.  I vacillated between being her champion and caregiver and being a resentful brat.

Continue reading Remembering Mom