Category Archives: Personal

Road Trip Update Number 2: Days, 13- 20


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Greetings from the road, where we’ve been very busy. Can I just say, we live in the most amazing country on Earth? I hope I live long enough to see it all. As I think about all that we’ve done, and try to summarize it, I have to take a moment to express gratitude for the blessings that have enabled me to take these journeys. I’m grateful for my husband who indulges me, friends who’ve helped in my planning, friends who’ve put us up in our travels, and by letting me stay with them, and my kids for being my traveling companions. It’s probably hardest on them, but I hope they understand the benefits. Continue reading Road Trip Update Number 2: Days, 13- 20

RWM Update from the Road: Days 1-11

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So far, rain has been the star or our road trip adventure. It rained in Louisville, it rained in Columbus, it rained in Pittsburgh, it rained in Toledo, and it has rained every single day while we’ve been in Detroit. Every day. Although to be fair, we did get the gift of a sunny day when we drove to the west coast of Michigan. It was cold and rainy in Detroit, but after a three hour trip, we found ourselves on a sunny beach, with the temperature at a toasty 86 degrees. Unfortunately, it looks as if our warm respite will be an anomaly. I dared to look at, and the next few days heading west do not look promising. Ugh. Continue reading RWM Update from the Road: Days 1-11

Hello There!

074     Hello! Have y’all been wondering where I’ve been? Well, it’s been very busy in Allie World – but I’m not complaining (okay, maybe just a little). As you will see below, my inability to keep to a posting schedule has been due to happy events and therefor I have no right to complain. Instinctively, I know there will come a day when I look back on these times as some of the best years of my life. Continue reading Hello There!