Category Archives: Writing

Bloggy Boot Camp Breakdown

10462871_731410303567333_8896278600797809219_n[1]I must confess that after going to my first blogger conference a few weeks ago, I was feeling a bit discouraged. After I recapped the conference and the anxiety it caused, I received several gracious and supporting comments.  To say I was grateful is an understatement.  As I mentioned in that post, I was scheduled for the SITs Girl’s Bloggy Boot Camp, which I attended last Saturday. Continue reading Bloggy Boot Camp Breakdown

My First Blogger Conference

061Most of you know that I attended the Type A Parent conference for bloggers last week.  As promised, I’m going to share the highlights, low points and what I learned at my first blogging conference.  This is kind of messy and just thrown together.   So please forgive the structure (or rather the lack of).  I’m giving a minor play-by-play and some random thoughts.

My weekend got off to a rough start, which I wrote about yesterday. Fortunately, I arrived at the hotel where the conference was, just in the nick-of-time.  While in line to get a coffee, I saw a fellow blogger (she was wearing a badge) and introduced myself.  Her name was Jana.  Her voice sounded very familiar to me and I quickly deduced that she was one of the producers for Listen to Your Mother Atlanta.   I met her last winter when I auditioned for the show.   She was very sweet and I asked her if I could follow her around like a puppy.  Well, not exactly in those words – but pretty close.  Jana was kind enough to oblige.  Continue reading My First Blogger Conference

Guest Post at Undiagnosed, But Okay

The lovely Kerri Ames (and fellow Cape Codder) invited me to write a post for her My Challenge series that she features on her blog, Undiagnosed But Okay.  I’m so excited, as this is my first guest post at a personal blog!  It’s an honor to be approached by a writer you admire.  So if you want to know what my challenge is (hint below), hop on over to Kerri’s blog, to read my essay.  See you there!

My Biggest Challenge

Random Musings on Life Being Too Short

litslogoI’ve had a crazy week. My husband has been out of town, so I’ve been without back-up.  Adding to the mayhem was the start of my daughter’s dance classes, a teacher conference that wasn’t good and too many cross country practices.  But I’ve had an inspiring week, as well.  I completed my 10 Day Manifesto Adventure – and many thanks to Katie Den Ouden for providing the spark I needed. I’m also excited and nervous about leaving tomorrow for my first ever blogger conference.   All good stuff (well, except for the teacher conference).  Why am I telling you all of this?  Because I honestly haven’t had the time to put my ALL into this post, but I still want to share it, because I love hooking up with my friends from Finish the Sentence Friday.  And life is too short to not do what you want to do! Continue reading Random Musings on Life Being Too Short