Category Archives: Writing

Bikini Season, Here We Come


What am I doing to get ready for bikini season?  Not a damn thing.  That is the freedom of being a woman of a certain age – for the most part, you finally accept your body for what it is and you are kinder.  Yes, I can still wear a bikini – and quite nicely, but I have to be honest, I’m not sure if I still should.  I’ve definitely entered the grey area of bathing suit season (season being relative to age and not time of the year).  If you’re of a similar age, you’ll know what I mean.  It becomes a matter of appropriateness. Continue reading Bikini Season, Here We Come

Kindness in Abundance


When I read this week’s writing prompt for Finish the Sentence Friday, I panicked a little.  “One of the best things anyone ever did for me was…”  Well that is tough to call, because I have too many acts of kindness to choose from.   Some examples from my notes –

  • My mother for letting me read whatever I wanted.
  • My husband for saying yes, when I asked him if I could take his four young children on a thirty day road trip, while he stayed home and worked.
  • The Manager at CPK who helped me out with Barrett this past February (although that blog topic has been beaten to death).
  • Anyone of the therapists who has worked with my son over the years.
  • My brother and sister in-law for babysitting our kids whenever we desperately needed help.
  • Melissa at Chick Lit Central who took a chance on me.
  • My besties Michele, Marice & Barb for an endless number of things over the decades.
  • The two different relatives, who on two separate and unrelated occasions, surprised me with checks in the mail.

You see where I’m going here?  Continue reading Kindness in Abundance

I’m Running Out of Time


Six fears of mine:

1) Frogs.  They freak me out.

2) Something terrible happening to my kids or my husband.

3) Aging.  I know every year is a gift and I want many of them, but I’m still not looking forward to the physical process.

4) What the future holds for my son Barrett (who has autism), especially after I’m gone.

5) That I’m not a good mother.

6)  That I’m running out of time.

For this week’s Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop, we’re supposed to list our top six fears and then select one to write about.  Lucky for me, I’ve been successful at avoiding frogs.  I can’t write about something happening to my kids or husband, because I can’t go there.  Aging sucks, I’m fighting it, and that’s probably all you need to know.  Barrett’s future is a big question mark, and some of those questions relate to fear number six, as do my fears about mothering. Time is the gift that gives and takes away, dammit.  Continue reading I’m Running Out of Time