Hello friends! How are you? As promised I’m posting a blog this week, my first (with the exception of a few “Books of My Life” posts) since early January and I’m feeling a bit awkward. Strangely, I’m at a loss for words. I have so much to share, perhaps too much, perhaps stuff you could care less about, and I’m experiencing a bit of stage fright. Where do I begin? I find myself with little time these days to craft anything with structure, so if you’ll indulge me, this is going to be a random Hodge podge of updates and observations (with minimal editing, I’m sorry)
I got a job, a real one, working in an office. It has been quite an adjustment. A strange series of events led to this. Last fall I was painting some furniture, which was a hobby that had generated some nice mad money for me (even more than writing, sadly). I’d begun to plan our annual summer road trip and factored the costs into my budget spreadsheet and was gooblesmacked to discover Momma was in the red. There are a number of reasons for this, but I won’t bore you with them (and who knows, it may be a travel planning post one day). Suffice it to say, it was clear that if I wanted to embark on our trip, I was going to have to make some more money. Continue reading Superwoman or Everywoman?