Guest Post at Undiagnosed, But Okay

The lovely Kerri Ames (and fellow Cape Codder) invited me to write a post for her My Challenge series that she features on her blog, Undiagnosed But Okay.  I’m so excited, as this is my first guest post at a personal blog!  It’s an honor to be approached by a writer you admire.  So if you want to know what my challenge is (hint below), hop on over to Kerri’s blog, to read my essay.  See you there!

My Biggest Challenge

Random Musings on Life Being Too Short

litslogoI’ve had a crazy week. My husband has been out of town, so I’ve been without back-up.  Adding to the mayhem was the start of my daughter’s dance classes, a teacher conference that wasn’t good and too many cross country practices.  But I’ve had an inspiring week, as well.  I completed my 10 Day Manifesto Adventure – and many thanks to Katie Den Ouden for providing the spark I needed. I’m also excited and nervous about leaving tomorrow for my first ever blogger conference.   All good stuff (well, except for the teacher conference).  Why am I telling you all of this?  Because I honestly haven’t had the time to put my ALL into this post, but I still want to share it, because I love hooking up with my friends from Finish the Sentence Friday.  And life is too short to not do what you want to do! Continue reading Random Musings on Life Being Too Short

So Many Books, So little Time!

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of writing and this has cramped my reading style. As you know, not much comes between me and my books – just ask my neglected husband and children.   I’m joking!  Kind of…

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Seriously though, I’m way behind on my reading. My “to-read pile” is starting to pass my “read pile.”  Also, I have reading goals I set for myself (dork!) and book reviews that are due.  Yikes!  Adding to this panic is the fact that in addition to four assignments I have due this week – I leave for the Type A Parent Blogger Conference early Friday morning.  Once I get back, I’m planning to refocus some of my energy on reading.  These are the books I’m going to enjoy next. Continue reading So Many Books, So little Time!

Barrett Goes to Church

bearHPI realize that I vowed to not write about religion, and I assure you, this post isn’t about religion.  Stay with me, because it’s about autism, milestones, and my Barrett!

One of the benefits of belonging to our Catholic church is that there’s a Saturday evening mass. I love this, because my weekend mornings are very precious.  We haven’t been to church in a while, I won’t bore you with the reasons, but my little man has to start getting ready for his First Communion.  That means we need to show up.  Believe it or not, we’ve never been to church together as a family.  Barrett has never been able to sit still or remain silent for that long.  Unfortunately this has meant that he’s been absent from major family events (weddings, funerals and his sibling’s First Communions).  Continue reading Barrett Goes to Church