MY Forsyth Book Review: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

Carry On Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed


Glennon Doyle Melton is a very popular blogger who inspires readers with her uniquely honest voice.  I discovered her about a year ago after I launched my own blog.  As with anyone who is new to the creatively diverse community of blogging, I found myself on her site,   Everyone who I networked with insisted that I check her out, because she’s a blogging rock star.

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An Update from the Road, Days 23-32

It’s been two weeks since I posted a road trip update and I have no excuse for the delay.  I’ve just had trouble getting motivated!  I can’t blame a lack of time either, because we’ve been home for a week.  When I last checked in here (I’ve been posting rather consistently at Road Warrior Momma) we were having the time of our lives in Bar Harbor.  I miss it, but I have more places to tell you about.

After Bar Harbor, we drove north to Canada.  Moncton, New Brunswick was our home base for our Canadian exploration.  Driving through New Brunswick was pleasant.  The countryside is beautiful, although somewhat desolate.  Moncton is nice, much smaller than I had imagined.  We stayed on the outskirts of the city, about five miles from downtown.  On our first night we had a late dinner because we were very confused about what time it was (long story that you can read about here).  We were also a bit surprised by the significant surcharge that was added to our check by the Canadian government.  After inquiring, our server told us, “We have lots of things to pay for in Canada.”  Okay.

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July’s New Chick Lit Releases

July is almost half over, can you believe it?  But there’s still time to pick up one of these great new reads:


After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid – July 1, 2014.  Lauren and Ryan are a couple who’ve been together for over a decade, but sadly, the magic is gone.  Despite their shared history, they don’t feel the love for each other that they once did.  To save their marriage, they decide to break-up for a year and see if they can find their way back together….to read about the other great books, click on over to Chick Lit Plus.

I’m Back…Sort Of


So this is a “checking in” post.   We’re finally back from our month long road trip (which was documented at Road Warrior Momma).  I tried my best to post new material during June – I was able to participate in a few link-ups and write some book reviews, but that was about it.  This was my first road trip as a full time blogger, and it was really hard.  Along with the obvious difficulties of finding the time to write with four kids distracting me, I was trying to hashtag and Instagram everything we saw, to get more street creed in the travel blogosphere (I did score Cape Cod Guide Book as a follower!).  Plus I was trying to write an article for My Forsyth Magazine.  It hasn’t gotten any easier since our return, either.  We were in town for a week and there was too much going on and I just couldn’t get myself to sit down in front of the computer.  I’ve had zero motivation.  So what’s a blocked writer to do?  Hit the road again, of course.  Continue reading I’m Back…Sort Of