Our leader, Allison, found herself in the position of posting two days of her challenge. Poor thing. Lucky for us though, because we’ve got some additional fun recipes (I’m going to have to attempt to prepare my own steel cut oatmeal, despite the effort it apparently takes). Also, Allison is starting to see some benefits – and I, for one, am jealous. #mustbedoingsomehtingwrong. But more about my experience on Sunday, when we each wrap up with a personal debriefing about our week. Continue reading Clean Eating Challenge: Day Five
Clean Eating Challenge – Day 4 – Holly’s Turn!
Holly’s Day of Clean Eating
Today is Holly’s day, and we have another lover of quinoa! I think I’ve found a first that I’m going to have to do in the next couple of weeks for an I Dare Allie entry – I’m going to make quinoa. I’ve eaten before and loved it, but have never prepared it. Continue reading Clean Eating Challenge – Day 4 – Holly’s Turn!
I Did Not See It Coming
Spoiler Alert!
I was in such of state of shock after watching this week’s episode of The Good Wife, entitled “Dramatics, Your Honor.” Dramatic, indeed. I was truly blown away. I did not see it coming and I heard that phrase uttered over and over by other fans. I’m a little embarrassed by how strongly I reacted because I was quite literally shaking and when the scenes for next week rolled, so did my tears. I’m a grown woman, and I took this way too personal. Continue reading I Did Not See It Coming
Clean Eating Challenge, Day 3: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Its day three and I’m so proud of my girls! Everyone is rocking the clean challenge. Though I must confess, I’m feeling like a slacker, an amateur. I cannot cook like these women. I’m very impressed by all their recipes, especially since many of them contain foods that seem intimidating to prepare (at least for me). Quinoa, tofu, beans – yikes. I think I want to skip all the work and just go to their houses to eat. Amy went to a lot of effort and preparation. I’m in awe. Poor thing did have a mess to clean up – that alone would have me eating raw vegetables and grilling the next day. Check out the good, the bad and the ugly below. Also be sure to visit Amy’s blog, Hot Breakfast. Amy is another multidimensional blogger, writing about such varied topics such as love & marriage, pop culture, fitness, food & drink, shopping, and travel. Great stuff! Continue reading Clean Eating Challenge, Day 3: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly