February Mini-Road Trip

The itinerary of last summer’s road trip was reshuffled a few times.  This resulted in us missing a couple of cities, and we’d already had the t-shirts made – literally.  Consequently, I’ve felt an obligation to get the kids to Birmingham, AL and Jackson, MS since last summer.  I’d planned to do that over President’s Day weekend, but then “Snowmageddon Two” occurred, and our plans were put in limbo.  The week at home with the kids was long and we were all rather bored and on each other’s nerves, so I decided to go for it – icy roads be damned.

Day One:

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Continue reading February Mini-Road Trip

CLP: March Books

March New Releases

I don’t know about you, but for me this winter has been long and cold.  We’ve had lots of snow and too many cancelled school days.  I’m ready for spring!  “No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”  But the cold weather has meant quality time by the fire, reading.  I’m ready for some new books and this month there are several good ones being published.   Continue reading at Chick Lit Plus…


Legacy Guest Post

Yesterday, my guest post at the Family Legacy Center went live on their website.  I’m re-posting the piece here, for those of you who don’t do Facebook – and to encourage interaction from my readers about what legacy means to you.  I was overwhelmed by all the positive support on Facebook yesterday!  Thank you.  I assume most people were reluctant to comment on the Family Legacy Center’s website – I hope you all feel comfortable to comment below.   I know the FLC would value your input.

Legacy Guest Post


You meet people in the strangest places.  Not in my wildest dreams (and I dream wild, believe me) would I have imagined that giving a eulogy would lead to a writing gig.  But, here I am!  I was contacted by the founder of the Family Legacy Center, who heard me deliver a eulogy and started following my blog.  After reading my posts for a while, she said that my blog could end up being a part of my legacy.  This got me to wondering about what determines our legacy.  My blog is all about my family and me, and will leave few questions about who I am, which might be good – or it might be bad.  It’s all in the interpretation.  My own experience has taught me that what you don’t know about a person can be just as important to legacy as what you do know.  Continue reading Legacy Guest Post