Everyone is mad for Mad Men!

Mad-Men-Square[1]Everybody is mad for Mad Men, or at least that’s how it seems.  It’s been everywhere recently – magazine covers, commercials, entertainment websites and in the blogosphere.    I was shocked by the level of buzz.  Pleased, but shocked.  I love Mad Men, but sadly, I have only a handful of friends who watch, despite my pleading.  In an attempt to get one friend to watch, I lent her the first season for about six months (yes Ms. Chamblin, I am talkin’ to you) and she didn’t watch a single episode.  I cannot fathom, I was aghast.

I loved Sunday’s premier double episode – The Doorway.  It was a darker episode and gave the viewers a lot to contemplate, many pivotal mad momments.  That’s one thing I love about Mad Men, I’m convinced that I know the characters and their motivations better than anyone!  On Monday mornings I scour the net looking for recaps and breakdowns and  I’m always amazed by the multitude of ways in which the various TV critics and bloggers interpret the episodes.  I usually find my favorite recap at Entertainment WeeklyContinue reading Everyone is mad for Mad Men!

It’s the Little Things


Dental Drama

 Autism presents all kinds of challenges.  Let me tell you, there are exploding landmines everywhere and just going to the dentist can often produce an explosion.  The twice-a-year appointments on the calendar are dreaded events,  which take lots of planning and fortitude.

Finding a dentist is no easy task.  It takes a special professional willing to take on the challenge, and believe me, they are hard to find.   A simple trip to the dentist can make anybody nervous, even those who don’t have major sensory deficits.   I remember the first time I had a cavity filled.  The huge needle full of Novocaine terrified me and the sound of the drill gave me nightmares for weeks.  Gives me chills just writing about it.  I was never going to go through that again – and I never did.  Fear is a great motivator.  Brush your teeth kiddos. Continue reading It’s the Little Things