I’m Published!


I’m Published – Yay!

Okay so it’s only a small, free, local publication…but sill, its printed paper for public consumption and its glossy! I’m kind of feeling like the North Georgia Carrie Bradshaw. Didn’t she write a column for a local magazine? Or was it newspaper? Anyway, when I found out the magazine had supposedly hit the stands (and believe me, there was some doubt about this – but that’s another blog), I drove around to four different places till I found it and then swiped ten copies so I could mail them to family and friends, who live far away. I was so excited, I couldn’t stop smiling and fist pumping. If (when, positive thoughts to the universe) I ever get THE CALL, Lord help those around me – I will be out of control!

I first put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) more than ten years ago. That was when I decided that I was never going back to a corporate office and I was going to stay home with my babes and be the next Nora Roberts. I was going to be a writer, just like that. Yes, ten years ago! It took ten years to finally hit the publishing lotto in the form of a 350 word column in a magazine with a 20,000 print run. Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Beggars can’t be choosers. Continue reading I’m Published!