Tag Archives: Mama Kat

September Happenings

It’s been a while since I wrote a “catch-up” post about what I’m doing, reading and watching.  This post is also a partial link-up with Mama Kat’s World’s Greatest Writing Workshop.    I didn’t have a whole lot to write about on the new fall television line-up, so I decided to combine the two.  If you’re visiting from Mama Kat, please forgive me (but I hope you stick around, so I can learn more about you).


Writing prompt:  Share the fall lineup you’re looking forward to.

Last year, I wrote a post all about the new fall television shows that was featured at Chick Lit Plus.  I did some research for that article and thought I had the winners and losers figured out.  I was wrong, so I’ve saved myself the trouble (and time) this year.  I’m going to wait a few weeks before watching anything new – to see what the critics and my fellow bloggers (who are usually attuned to the most buzz-worthy shows) like.  I’ve also been bruised one too many times by shows that I love getting axed way too soon.  With just a cursory glance at Entertainment Weekly’s site, my only interest at this point is Bad Judge (I love Kate Walsh) and Madame Secretary (love political dramas).  We shall see.  I am, however, very excited for my returning favorites!!!!  In no particular order; Revenge, The Good Wife, The Goldbergs, Nashville, Blue Bloods and ParenthoodContinue reading September Happenings

Once Upon a Time: My Visions of the Future

“If youth only knew, if age only could.” – Henry Estienne

When I was young, living under my parent’s roof and abiding (for the most part) by their rules – I used to fantasized about what life would be like when I grew up.  Who didn’t?  But, as I’m sure is the case for most people, my childhood musings about adulthood were quite different from its reality.

Believe it or not, I wasn’t necessarily planning to have children.  I assumed I’d have a child, someday in the way distant future, but I certainly couldn’t “picture” it.    Seriously.  I baby-sat for one family when I was an eighth grader, and that pretty much snuffed out any motherly yearnings I had.  After a few hotel nanny gigs in college, the flame of motherhood flickered out once again.  Today I have four children and for a long time, I was perpetually on a quest for just one more.

high-rise-apartment-jpg[1]I grew up in small beach town, so I dreamed of a life in a big city.  I was certain that I’d live in a high rise apartment.  I remember once walking on the beach in Fort Lauderdale with my friend Barbara, when I was visiting her on vacation, and she pointed to one of the tall condominiums that lined the coast.  She commented that I’d probably live there one day and I readily agreed.  I did eventually live in the cities of Fort Lauderdale, New Orleans, San Juan, Baltimore and Atlanta, but never in a high rise.  Today I technically live in a suburb of a city, but it’s far enough out that it really feels like the country to me.  We’re nestled among the trees, surrounded by neighborhood horses and far away from traffic and smog.  I love it.  Never in a million years did I think this would be my Shangri-La. Continue reading Once Upon a Time: My Visions of the Future

A Day in the Life…

I’ve been reading a bunch of books on the craft of writing and my reading binge was triggered by a writing class that I’m taking. 18108577[1] I just finished, Write Every Day, by Cathy Yardley and it gave me an “aha moment.”  I think one of my greatest obstacles to achieving my writing goals is time management.  And so, as suggested in the book, I’m keeping track of how I spend my time.  Here in Georgia, the kids are already back in school and that means my days have gotten very busy.  This is how I recently spent an ordinary day.  Reader be warned, ordinary can sometimes mean boring!  Continue reading A Day in the Life…

MY Forsyth Book Review: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

Carry On Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed


Glennon Doyle Melton is a very popular blogger who inspires readers with her uniquely honest voice.  I discovered her about a year ago after I launched my own blog.  As with anyone who is new to the creatively diverse community of blogging, I found myself on her site, Mommastery.com.   Everyone who I networked with insisted that I check her out, because she’s a blogging rock star.

Continue reading MY Forsyth Book Review: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton