The Great Wife

I am so enraptured with the TV show, The Good Wife, that I impatiently await each week’s new episode. In fact, for the first time since I figured out how to work my DVR, I actually watch a show LIVE. Can you believe that? Live. I also start watching fifteen minutes into the program, so I can queue up time and be able to speed through the commercials. The show is so intense that I can’t handle waiting through commercials for the next scene.
Last Sundays’ episode was like the greatest tennis game ever, with each legal team lobbing “balls” back and forth, and I swear my neck was turning as if I was really watching a match. All this, after the explosive scene between Will and Alicia! OMG – no wonder their affair was mostly shown in teasing snippet flashbacks, because there’s no way we could have handled these two in the bedroom.
Let’s start at the beginning of the episode, appropriately name “Hitting the Fan,” when Diane told Will about Alicia’s plan to leave Lockhart Gardner with Cary and take some big clients with her. Poor Will, the shock and disbelief he displayed made him look so vulnerable. Will, the man who’s screwed countless people over, got a little taste of his own medicine from the woman he loves (and we all know he does, even if he doesn’t realize it). I didn’t like it. Not one bit. Continue reading The Good Wife is Now The Great Wife! →