Category Archives: Autism

Brunch at the Wildflower Eatery

Happy Bear

Today I tagged along with my son Barrett’s class on one of their CBI (community based intervention) trips.  Barrett is in a self-contained autism classroom at one of our local middle schools.   In addition to academics (yay!), the curriculum also includes “life skills,” in order to prepare these children for a (hopefully) more independent life.  Eventually vocational skills will be incorporated into their education.  The CBI trips give the students a chance to interact with the community and learn how to behave appropriately in social situations. Continue reading Brunch at the Wildflower Eatery

A Rainbow Mystery


“This parenting stuff is for the birds!”  I’ve muttered this more than once in the last few days.  Sometimes I just feel completely inadequate for the job, and I really hope other parents feel the same way.  Recently, my husband and I found ourselves in a parenting quagmire and were still dumfounded by what happened.  I also feel some regret for how we handled it.  I’m going to share it, because I’d appreciate feedback and opinions on how others might have dealt with the situation. Continue reading A Rainbow Mystery

Barrett Tales


Barrett Tales

So I was telling my Aunt Ginny some Barrett stories from this week and we were both laughing.  Then another friend told me that her favorite posts on LKM are the ones about Barrett, so I had a mini-aha moment.  Perhaps I should periodically share some of the funny things that we experience living life with sweet Bear-Bear.  Plus, I haven’t quite finished the blog I’d planned for today.  So here are a couple Friday Funnies to start your weekend.


Last week Barrett had a mishap and scraped his shin at school.  It wasn’t a major injury, but it did cause the Bear Siren to go off.

Side Bar:  Bear, when frustrated, mad or hurt, makes an ear piercing sound that comes from deep down inside.  If you’re standing close to him when it goes off, it will hurt your ears.  Believe me!  Interestingly, his mouth is often closed when he sounds off!  I wish I knew how to upload video with audio, so you can experience it.  Now Barrett does talk, but the siren fills the void when he can’t form or find the words he needs.

Anyway, he set the siren off and the teacher has been trying to train Bear to say “I’m hurt,” instead of the siren.   Even though the injury was minor, she wanted to take him to the nurse, just to make sure he was comfortable going to the nurse if he ever really needs to.  So off to the nurse’s office they went.  Continue reading Barrett Tales

Autism, I Am Aware


April is/was (depending on when this finally goes live) Autism Awareness Month.  meandbearSince I’m the parent of a child who has autism, I felt compelled to write a blog about Autism Awareness.  I feel a great responsibility when I write about autism, because we all have our own story.  I speak for myself and for my family, but not the autism community as a whole.  As with anything, there’s good and bad with autism and most people who know me will tell you that I don’t like talking about the bad – I choose to focus on the good.  Believe me, this has been an evolution on our journey.  For the sake of authenticity, I have to address the bad, but I’m not going to dwell on it.  And honestly, the good is so much more fun to share.

I’m aware that autism, as with most permanent medical conditions, is life changing.  So far, hearing the words “your son has autism,” is the single worst moment of my life (and there have been some bad ones).  Back when we received our diagnosis, I didn’t know where to turn, what to do or what to think.  My only reference point was Rainman.   It was a very hopeless time in my life – one I really don’t like to revisit, lucky for you!   Continue reading Autism, I Am Aware