Writing, Random Thoughts

Lately I have been reading blogs again, and it brought me back to a happy time. I was so excited when I first started blogging. I had grandiose dreams. Of course I knew extraordinarily little and had no idea just how hard it would be, or how much passion and dedication and openness it would require. But still, I would wonder, what if… I miss it and I want to start again, but without any goals or expectations. To just write.

I’m not even sure if I still know how to use WordPress…

When I went back to work in an office four years ago, I thought it was temporary, a means to pay for the big 2016 road trip, which was extra in every way because it was also the summer Rich turned 50. I had planned multiple adventures and really needed the funds. I never planned to stop writing. But you know what they say about making life plans. I went from part-time to full time to quitting and then starting again part-time at another job and teaching and then back to full time. Four years later I find myself in a professional position that in some ways I was destined for – if I had stayed in the workforce after having Barrett & Hunter. It is a very long and complicated story about how I ended up where I am today, but the fact that I got to lean out for fifteen years, and still got here, well that’s kind of miraculous.

10 thoughts on “Writing, Random Thoughts”

  1. So good to hear from you!!!! Barrett looks awesome and is growing up! Tommy is at UGA majoring in Special Education. Barrett will always hold a special places in our hearts!! Keep writing! I’ve missed it!

    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words. I am so happy for Tommy! That’s fabulous. What a gift he will be for some students one day!

  2. It is so good to hear from you here, my friend. I, too, remember when blogging was about community and the ability to find something bigger beyond our homes. <3 But I appreciate what you are going through and love hearing your honest words. Sending you love!

    1. Hi Allison! Thank you for commenting. I was thinking about you yesterday when I was working on the post. Do you remember how much you used to help me? My blogging teacher! I hope you are well, and your sweet family is too.

  3. I relate to so much of what you’ve written, Allie. It was so good to get an update, and not that I want you to struggle…but to know that I’m not the only one with all these emotions helps. My daughter missed the end of her senior year of college, my son is headed back to school next month, all our travels cancelled…so much loss, but we are all still here, and for that I’m grateful. I appreciate your “messy words and discombobulated thoughts” – you’ve inspired me to put down my own. And I needed a WP refresher too;)

    1. Dana! I was so happy when your post landed in my In Box this morning. I hope you o write some messy words:). Your daughter graduated – college? Good Lord, I remember when she finished high school. Congratulations, and sorry. What a tough time. Dare I ask, did she get a job?

  4. I have been blogging for so long now and I’ve been sad to see people drop off.. so to see someone come back up! Amazing! It’s a weird time indeed, and I so hope you’ll keep coming back!

    1. We’ll see, that is if I’m really “back.” I just miss it and would like to dabble everyone and a while – LOL. But thank you for your comment.

  5. When I started blogging, and read that so many people stopped after a while, I was shocked. Truly shocked. I thought it was the best thing I’d done (other than having Tucker) and now? It’s FTSF night, and I’m like “DO I??” I feel like I should but I’d rather watch Netflix. It’s hard to know. But I love that you’re here, at least for now. I miss you.

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